Pharmacy First Service


Pharmacy First Service

The Pharmacy First service in Slamannan is an NHS service in Scotland provided by local pharmacies, including Slamannan Village Pharmacy. If you get sick with a minor illness, your local pharmacy is the first place you should visit for treatment or advice.


Who is eligible for the NHS Pharmacy First service in Falkirk?

You need to reside in Scotland or register with a GP in Scotland to access the NHS Pharmacy First service.
You can get in touch with us to find out more about eligibility.


Pharmacy First service Slamannan


How does the service work?

Pharmacists are trained experts who can handle medicines and also assist with minor health conditions. They can also offer treatment and advice for a variety of minor conditions and common clinical ailments.

Just like GPs, pharmacists can only give particular products and medicines on the NHS.  Some pharmacists have qualifications on prescriptions and can prescribe a variety of medicines, usually only accessible from your GP.

If our pharmacists or our staff member thinks a patient should see a GP or any other healthcare officer, they may give you a referral to your doctor or arrange for an appointment with you.


Pharmacy First in Falkirk

This service allows you to have a consultation with the pharmacist if you are suffering from a urine infection, impetigo, bacterial conjunctivitis, minor skin condition, some skin infections, and vaginal thrush!

This, quite like the Minor Ailments services, helps free up the GPs time along with yours! There are certain criteria that have to be met in order for you to be treated. But please come in, and we will assist you the best we can.

No appointments are necessary!


Feel free to pop in for a friendly and private chat in our consultation rooms with our lovely pharmacists.


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